The Southern Africa Development, Research and Training Institute - SADRAT

Created in 1999 to explore new ways of dealing with the social and economic imbalances. We regard every individual as unique and our challenge is to unleash the full potential of each community.

To promote and support the prosperity of the Southern Africa region through the collection and exchange of knowledge, the transfer of skills, the principle of consultation, and the application of creative and innovative solutions.

  1. To achieve our vision and mission, we will ensure that:
    Our values inform and define our organization ethos as well as our distinctive developmental and educational purpose and philosophy
  2. We promote equity
  3. We provide a vibrant stimulating and richly diverse environment to enable our members to reach their full potential
  4. We engage in mutual beneficial partnerships locally, nationally and globally to enhance social, economic and ecological sustainability

To be a dynamic NPO/NPC, recognized nationally and internationally for our leadership in generating high impact development, research and training for a sustainable future.


  1. Harness community capacity: work collaboratively with communities through an asset based approach
  2. Diversity: to promote unity in diversity
  3. Integrity: we act with integrity and accept responsibility for our actions, we behave in an ethical and professional manner, we conduct our activities in an accountable and transparent manner, we ensure the integrity of our information, systems and processes
  4. Democratic decision making process through consensus, value based leadership (leading by example not only what we say but more what we do), we respect the dignity of others
  5. Excellence: we promote, recognize and reward excellence in our integrated developmental, research based approach, we sharing our knowledge and skills